This article is a great place to start if you're having an issue. As always, please reach out to our team if you still need help.
I can't log into my account.
If you are having difficulties logging into PredictAP there are a few scenarios that could be the root cause:
1) You need to reset your password. Information on password requirements can be found here.
2) You do not yet have an active PredictAP user account. To request a PredictAP user account, reach out to your internal PredictAP admin to reach out to our support team via this support form with the needed information.
3)Your SSO provider has not granted access to your PredictAP user account. A message similar to the below example will populate when this is the case. Reach out to your internal technical admin to get your user account access cleared and accessible.
Why didn't my invoice file upload?
Check to make sure your file is one of the following formats: PDF, JPG/JPEG, or PNG. If it is, make sure it's not more than 10MB, which is the maximum file size. More information on uploading an invoice to PredictAP can be found here as well.
I opened an invoice and there's more than one invoice included.
This means a file was uploaded that had more than one invoice in it. When uploading invoices, each invoice must be a separate file in order to the invoices to populate in their own record to review. To resolve this, you'll need to either utilize the PredictAP split feature or alternatively, you can delete the unnecessary pages as well.
What are the supported browsers available to access PredictAP?
PredictAP supports the current version of the following browsers on MacOS & Windows 10:
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Why didn't my invoice deliver?
There are a few reasons your invoice may not successfully deliver. If it does fail, you'll always see a message appear with the reason, like this:
The reason will be given in a bulleted list. However, it's a good idea to expand the "Additional Details" section, which will give a more detailed explanation:
Here are some common reasons why delivery may fail:
- A required field isn't filled out such as vendor, invoice number, property, or invoice date.
- The Expense Type is invalid and a new one needs to be selected.
- You don't have access to the vendor or the vendor insurance has expired. Either of these needs to be corrected in your AP automation system or a different vendor needs to be selected.
- The invoice number already exists in your AP Automation system for the vendor. Update the invoice number in order to successfully submit the relevant invoice from PredictAP.
- There are connection issues with your AP automation system..
If you still don't understand why it's failing, feel free to contact us. Send a screenshot of that Additional Details section and the url of the relevant invoice to this PredictAP support form.
Yardi Specific Frequently Asked Questions:
What do I do if the vendor address isn't populating in my PredictAP editing page?
Edit the vendor code or address in Yardi and then change it back to the correct value. This will update the vendor modified date on the Vendor and force a vendor resync with PredictAP. Check in a couple hours after this is completed and you should then see the needed information populate.
How do I add a new property so that it populates as an option in PredictAP?
PredictAP does a property sync through the standard Yardi API every hour. When we do this call, Yardi gives us every property/entity you have linked to the PredictAP interface vendor. You can manually configure new properties in iData > Interfaces > Configuration.
Check in a couple hours after this is completed and you should then see the additional property code available as an option.
Note, if your PredictAP environment has user property security enabled, in order to gain access to the newly added property code please reach out to our support team here to ensure all team members have access.
How do I locate a vendor that I know is active in PredictAP?
Edit the vendor code in Yardi and then change it back to the correct value. This will update the vendor modified date on the Vendor and force a vendor resync with PredictAP. Check in a couple hours after this is completed and you should then see the needed information populate.
How does PredictAP decide which workflow the IR goes to in Yardi?
PredictAP has no control over what workflow the IR goes into in Yardi. This is a Yardi configuration.
I can't find an invoice that I sent from PredictAP to Yardi? How do troubleshoot locating this IR?
There are two options here to help locate the relevant IR:
1) The Yardi API does allow users to submit an invoice without an Expense Type and when that happens, the Expense Type is automatically set to "Preliminary". Note, it is sent to '"Preliminary" expense type only if this expense type has been set up. Check within this expense type as a first go at locating the IR.
2) Another solution would be to open any IR screen and enter the Yardi ID from PredictAP into the jump to square (picture to reference below). This should take you directly to the relevant invoice.